Spend a blissful morning weaving a willow obelisk for your garden or the afternoon weaving a bowl or nest.
Tanya Doty has been crafting willow baskets from her workshop in Upper Moutere since 2008 after completing her first course with Golden Bay basket maker Peter Greer. Largely self taught, Tanya spends most of her days bending bundles of sustainably cultivated willow sticks into beautiful baskets. Made with respect for tradition, they are enduring practical accessories to complement home, garden and lifestyle.
On Friday or Saturday morning, with Tanya’s guidance you will make a willow obelisk. Perfect for supporting loose plants or providing a framework for climbers, obelisks are a wonderful way to add structure and rustic charm to your garden. Your garden structure will be made to fit inside or on top of a garden pot.
Join Tanya on Friday or Saturday afternoon for an intimate hands-on workshop creating a random weave bowl or nest - you choose! Whether you are a novice or have some experience, mastering the technique of random weave opens up endless possibilities and creativity. You will soon discover the joy of turning vines and fibres into sculptural works of art. The skills you learn will enable you to forage for willow or other bendy natural fibres you may already have in your own garden. You’ll also learn to upsize the garden structure to suit your garden’s needs. Please note, a reasonable hand strength is required. Numbers are limited.
All tools and materials are supplied, along with light refreshments.